Month: November 2016

What to do if your pet has anxiety, like you?

Pets are great companions that can help you peel away shyness and anxiety.  They do this with the attention and love they pour in to you – especially dogs.  Dogs will also force you to get out more via daily walks.  The cuteness overload plus knowing that you have a furbaby to care for, creates intrinsic motivation that spreads to other areas of your life. This article is about what you can do if you happen to have an anxious pet.  You know how it feels to be anxious and now your pet can benefit from your compassion.  Read on! – Wallflower Bloom
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Fear of “You can’t sit with us” and the empty table

If you’re an introvert, you are probably a table ranker.  When you walk into a room, you immediately rank the tables in the order that you prefer to be seated.  The system is simple enough with one being your preferred seating and five being the please don’t seat me there section.  Let’s take a look at a sample table ranking system for introverts.  
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TIP: Small Talk: Can you be great at it?

Silence…  Perfectly fine if you are all alone.  However, in social situations, it is just kind of expected that you’ll talk to others.  If the thought of being a “Chatty Kathy” or “Chatty Kenneth” smalltalk-pic-via-canva-by-tommeka-semien-pngmakes you want to steer clear of others in social settings, here are some thoughts on how you can come to appreciate and be great at small talk. Continue reading

Strategies to help you make great decisions (even if you’re shy or anxious)

Back in the 80’s, I was able to participate in a Pepsi Challenge.  It was quite simple, you sipped two colas and chose your favorite.  For the non-cola drinkers, there was a serious conundrum.  How do you choose one over the other?  What makes one better than the other?  What do I like about Cola A versus Cola B?  How do you make such an important choice on the spot?  For most people, the choice was to go with the familiar or do a quick mental check and just go for it.

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