CONVERSATION: Reclaiming Conversation™ Podcast by Sherry Turkle

Reclaiming Conversation™ Podcast with Host Sherry Turkle

TEDtalks Playlist: The Art of Meaningful Conversation

The Art of Meaningful Conversation – TedTalks Playlist <<<CLICK HERE

TALK: Reclaiming Conversation with Sherry Turkle

Reclaiming Conversation Professor Sherry Turkle talked about her book Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age, in which she examines the impact of the digital age on traditional conversation. <<< CLICK HERE (conversation starts 9 minutes into the video, 09:00)  

FUNNY: Key and Peele Skit – Awkward Conversation

This is a funny skit about “a lunch chat that turns tense when one of the diners confronts the other about his annoying conversation habits.”

Road tripping while shy

If you’re looking for fun and adventure but you’re shy, anxious or just plain wary of solo travel; plan a road trip with a few friends. It’s a great way to explore new places. A bonus –  you have your own ride so you can go where you want and you have a built-in support […]

Tips For Shies: Prepping for a New Year’s job interview

The New Year is a time for transformation.  Many people make resolutions like quitting smoking, starting an exercise routine, or saving more money.  However, some people decide to make very major changes.  If one’s goal is to enjoy life to the fullest or spend more time with family, a career change may be a priority […]

diary of a shy black woman series #001 – flashback

This is a new series.  A flashback series into an old blog I used to write. I’ve come a long way and am so glad I documented my experience back then.  Hope you enjoy and stay for the ride.  Hopefully my old readers find me on this new platform.  My experience is one that many […]

Planning a holiday gathering (for those less inclined to party)

Are you planning a holiday gathering?  Are you concerned about how to put it all together?  Well no need to worry.  By paying attention to a few details, you can plan a party that your guests will remember and look forward to attending year after year.  

What to do if your pet has anxiety, like you?

Pets are great companions that can help you peel away shyness and anxiety.  They do this with the attention and love they pour in to you – especially dogs.  Dogs will also force you to get out more via daily walks.  The cuteness overload plus knowing that you have a furbaby to care for, creates intrinsic […]

Fear of “You can’t sit with us” and the empty table

If you’re an introvert, you are probably a table ranker.  When you walk into a room, you immediately rank the tables in the order that you prefer to be seated.  The system is simple enough with one being your preferred seating and five being the please don’t seat me there section.  Let’s take a look […]

TIP: Small Talk: Can you be great at it?

Silence…  Perfectly fine if you are all alone.  However, in social situations, it is just kind of expected that you’ll talk to others.  If the thought of being a “Chatty Kathy” or “Chatty Kenneth” makes you want to steer clear of others in social settings, here are some thoughts on how you can come to […]

Strategies to help you make great decisions (even if you’re shy or anxious)

Back in the 80’s, I was able to participate in a Pepsi Challenge.  It was quite simple, you sipped two colas and chose your favorite.  For the non-cola drinkers, there was a serious conundrum.  How do you choose one over the other?  What makes one better than the other?  What do I like about Cola […]

Tried and true vs. your evolution

I’m typing this article as I’m watching  Super Soul Sunday on the OWN channel.  I haven’t watched SSS in quiet some time and I enjoyed watching it when I did. …so what happened? There are some basic tried and true experiences in your life that always fill you up. When things get chaotic + hectic, your faves […]

Turning self-doubt into lemonade

Usually when self-doubt creeps in, I’ve noticed there is something that needs to be filled, always internally and sometimes externally (or both). Think about it, when you doubt someone else, what’s usually the reason behind that doubt? Maybe you don’t trust them because of what they’ve done in the past. Maybe you don’t have enough […]

Social anxiety and politics

We’re in an election year and this has me thinking about you! Some people say votes don’t count. Others say votes do count and our ancestors died for our right to vote. Something about a vote is very powerful – whether politically or outside of the realm of politics. A vote is synonymous with your […]

Start where you are by using your shyness

So, you’re painfully shy. Ok. Going from painfully shy TO feeling pretty good in social settings ISN’T an overnight process. So, what do you do TODAY? Here is a list of how to maximize your current situation while you keep your eye on your prize of becoming a person full of moxie! FIRST AND FOREMOST: […]

TIP: The very thing you are avoiding is going to peel away shyness!

Conversation can feel icky when you’re painfully shy – but it wasn’t always that way, butterfly! Something or a collective of things happened to you in your life journey that caused you to look at people and conversation as something to avoid. An overwhelming fear took over you. The immediate gratification of avoiding people and […]

EVENT: The Moth – StorySlam

Storytelling is an art for that is essential to passing along traditions/culture, memories, lessons, and experiences.

Extroverts and introverts in college

Each person has a different kind of personality. The two main personality types are the extrovert and the introvert. Both has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. For people in their college years, the type of personality they have plays a big role in the success in living through the said period. There is […]

Britney Spears and shyness

The people you would probably not consider to be shy are celebrities. Based on the kind of work they do, many wouldn’t expect these personalities to deal with shyness or, even, social anxiety. It’s difficult to imagine a person who is always in the spotlight could be uncomfortable talking with strangers or being the center […]