Welcome to the Wallflower Bloom community.
This is the place I’ve been searching for and couldn’t find – so I created it. This is a place and space to succeed without feeling patronized and without feeling depleted,. This is a place to not accept the life you have but to go for your dreams. This is the place to push a little bit every day to go beyond what you’ve been accustomed to. A place to safely find comfort in courage.
Change is scary but we don’t think of it as change – it is growth – it is a journey – it is life. Yes, introversion is just as awesome as extroversion BUT painful shyness is not introversion. Painful shyness creates stagnation and regret. It doesn’t feel good.
Despite my history of social anxiety and shyness that included panic attacks and avoidant behavior, I had those rare moments when the stars aligned perfectly and I was okay. I’d take a few steps forward but then the stagnation brought on by anxiety caused me to fall back again and again. The progressive moments and my debilitating moments have allowed me to create services and products that address what shy people need and package what will help you take actionable steps toward living your daydreams in real life.
I’ve been able to multiply the breakthroughs and learn from the breakdowns.
I am not perfect – no one is. You should not hold yourself to a nonexistent threshold of perfection. We are all unique therefore what is perfect to you is not perfect to someone else – the idea of perfection is fantasy. I choose to excel rather than perfect.
(Painful) shyness looks different on everyone and is interpreted differently by different people so don’t try to overcome shyness by trying to mimic the life of someone who says they have overcome it. Everything you learn should be tailored to fit your unique journey. You have to be true to yourself, be honest, and be creative in how you maneuver situations.
Follow me on social media, subscribe to the email list, and keep visiting the site for more info.
This is a one of a kind course. This has not been done like this before. I know because when I needed it, I couldn't find it ANYWHERE! So I created it!
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