If you yearn to surround yourself with thought provoking and intelligent dialogue but lack this in your real life, this is the blog for you. You will find the best in conversation right here and maybe you will start to exude and attract this more in your everyday life. If you find that you have trouble explaining your thoughts, analyzing your experiences, communicating your perspectives and expressing yourself in a meaningful manner, the information your find here will help you improve. Upgrade your mind, your conversations, your life. We will post examples of excellent conversations along with tips, recommendations, and more.

AFFIRMATIONS: Quote of the Day Podcast – Sean Croxton

The Quote of the Day Show hosted by Sean Croxton is one of my favorites  You get the perfect dose of motivation and TRUTH that will fuel your day. He spotlights a quote on each episode in a manner that is not overwhelming. It is just enough so you can ponder on that thought and really delve into that throughout your day in your own way.  Please check it out and thank me later (and of course, thank Mr. Croxton for coming up with this podcast and delivering it!

Quote of the Day Show on iTunes  <<<< Click here for iTunes version


Quote of the Day show on Stitcher (below)


TIP: Small Talk: Can you be great at it?

Silence…  Perfectly fine if you are all alone.  However, in social situations, it is just kind of expected that you’ll talk to others.  If the thought of being a “Chatty Kathy” or “Chatty Kenneth” smalltalk-pic-via-canva-by-tommeka-semien-pngmakes you want to steer clear of others in social settings, here are some thoughts on how you can come to appreciate and be great at small talk. Continue reading

TIP: The very thing you are avoiding is going to peel away shyness!

Conversation can feel icky when you’re painfully shy – but it wasn’t always that way, butterfly!

Something or a collective of things happened to you in your life journey that caused you to look at people and conversation as something to avoid. An overwhelming fear took over you.

The immediate gratification of avoiding people and conversation conflicts with the emptiness it renders over time coupled with the friction toward your big dreams.

There has to be a happy medium for you.

You need an effective way to repair your broken relationship with communication – itself.

Here are 3 tips: Continue reading