Find that “thing” within you that keeps you reaching higher
I have a bachelor’s degree with a concentration in communications. I went through a lot of hurdles to obtain my degree and it is one of my greatest accomplishments. My first stint at college was unsuccessful as a result of my social anxiety. I had the smarts but I found it extremely frightening to ATTEND class, and when I did attend I was not able to participate and could barely breathe. I managed to barely make it through the first year, then in the following year, things increasingly became unbearable. Continue reading
The terms social anxiety, shy, and introvert are often used interchangeably. This is my way of differentiating them.
- Social Anxiety = A stronger form of shyness. A debilitating, crippling fear of social situations that creates avoidance. It is a disorder that a licensed mental health professional is trained to treat.
- Shyness = a fear of social situations that is not strong enough to interfere with day to day activities such as work, school, family life, etc; however can cause a person to feel uncomfortable in social settings. Can be an obstacle in some areas.
- Introvert = a person who prefers quiet and alone time. Social settings can be enjoyable when an introvert has had time to recharge via alone time; however, social settings drain energy. Introverts are just as awesome as extroverts and ambiverts. (Susan Cain’s New York Times bestseller, “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking,” is a popular source of information about introverts.)
All of the above look different on everyone. Also, a person can be an extrovert, ambivert, or introvert, yet experience shyness or social anxiety.
What do you think? How do you define these terms?
I want to help you peel away shyness. Social anxiety is more of a job for a therapist, HOWEVER someone with social anxiety can get great value from coaching and the courses offered here. Introverts are fine the way they are; however introverts may not realize their power and potential and know how to leverage. All are welcome here!
My goal is to get you to exude your core personality without feeling uncomfortable while leveraging all the deliciousness of your sweet spot to achieve goals and make your daydreams come to fruition!
If you are a driven entrepreneur, intrepreneur, professional, or student and your shyness is getting in the way of success, check out the services and products available here and stay tuned for more meaningful content! Sign up for the newsletter, as well.
Oh! Please, don’t forget to read the disclaimer page. I’m not a doctor or therapist and this is certainly not a substitute for therapy or any advice from your doctor. No such thing as a Magic Pill!