
Defeating Your Shyness

Tips and Tricks from a Former Shy Girl

Don’t let the #GirlBoss girlies you see all the time on your stories intimidate you. Chances are, they were once shy gals like you! I was always the kind of kid who never raised her hand to ask a question in class and would mumble my words during presentations in front of the whole class. To be honest, I still struggle with that to this day but there are ways to dealing with shyness. 


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Overcoming Shyness & Anxiety In The Workplace (On Your First Day)

First of all, congrats on your new job (if that’s your current situation). If not, this is still relevant to you because you should start planning ahead in your career.

It can be intimidating to enter a new environment with people you have never spoken to before. Even for virtual positions, you may feel excluded from your co-workers during a Zoom or Google Hangout call because you have not developed any rapport with them yet. Continue reading

Your Shyness Is Your Super Power: The Power of the Reframe

Maybe you’ve been working on being less reserved. You want to speak up more during meetings, advocate for your business, and become closely connected to the women in your circle. Each of these things can feel like a ten-mile upward hike when you are overcome by shyness. But in a journey to excellence, it’s common to become overly critical…and doing so can cause you to miss out on some of your greatest strengths.

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3 Ways to Hold an Online Vision Board Workshop if Your Social Circle is Spread All Over the Country or World

Vision boards are all the rage these last few years because they allow the creator to dig deep into their hearts and really verbalize what kind of lifestyle they want. Simply thinking about their current lives and what they would like to change is a good start. To get more excited about the vision board process, create a vision board workshop for your tribe of family, friends, local community, coworkers, etc.

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5 Ways to Set Up a Vision Board Party to Enhance Your Communication, Social and Personal Accomplishments

Even if you work on vision boards for and by yourself, running a vision board party for your small circle of family and friends is one way to take care of multiple goals at once. An intimate gathering for a vision board party will help you enhance your:

  1. Communication (because you will have to utilize communication before during and after the workshop),
  2. Social skills (because you will create stronger connections during the workshop); and
  3. Personal accomplishments (because the act of creating a vision board will help you with your goals).

Everyone can benefit from focusing on what they want out of life – focusing on their ideal lifestyle – so it’s quite possible that you’ll fill your room to capacity with family and friends.

What If You Don’t Have Family and Friends To Invite? Keep reading and you will get tips on where you can find other people to invite if family/friends are not a current option. These ideas work for all: family, friends, local community members, etc. Keep reading…
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Road tripping while shy

If you’re looking for fun and adventure but you’re shy, anxious or just plain wary of solo travel; plan a road trip with a few friends. It’s a great way to explore new places. A bonus –  you have your own ride so you can go where you want and you have a built-in support system to make you feel safe and secure. All it takes is a little bit of planning and a spirit of adventure to enjoy a few days of fun with friends.

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What to do if your pet has anxiety, like you?

Pets are great companions that can help you peel away shyness and anxiety.  They do this with the attention and love they pour in to you – especially dogs.  Dogs will also force you to get out more via daily walks.  The cuteness overload plus knowing that you have a furbaby to care for, creates intrinsic motivation that spreads to other areas of your life. This article is about what you can do if you happen to have an anxious pet.  You know how it feels to be anxious and now your pet can benefit from your compassion.  Read on! – Wallflower Bloom
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Strategies to help you make great decisions (even if you’re shy or anxious)

Back in the 80’s, I was able to participate in a Pepsi Challenge.  It was quite simple, you sipped two colas and chose your favorite.  For the non-cola drinkers, there was a serious conundrum.  How do you choose one over the other?  What makes one better than the other?  What do I like about Cola A versus Cola B?  How do you make such an important choice on the spot?  For most people, the choice was to go with the familiar or do a quick mental check and just go for it.

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